Being clairsentient means that you're able to receive psychic information through sensing and feeling energy.
The majority of people who have this psychic sense have always felt it to one degree or another, though most never fully tap into it because they don't realize what it is.
Perhaps you think you do have this psychic sense, but have never explored its potential.
If you're anything like me, since a child you have felt somewhat out of place in the world, like you are viewing the world from a different vantage point.
You probably read situations through intuition and feeling and can see straight through people, and often predict things are going to happen before they actually do.
You may get strong feelings in particular environments and situations, whereby you feel uncomfortable and uneasy, or where you feel very positive and vibrant.
This is because you can feel energy emanating from people and environments where good and bad things take place, so immediately your psychic sense is trying to tell you whether something is negative or positive.
In a nutshell, it is like your heart and soul tune into life rather than simply operating through your physical presence. You sense and feel people out rather than making shallow judgements through what they look like or the things they say.
Your intuition is able to run deeper than that; it's a gut feeling, as they say.
If you are unsure as to whether you have the clairsentient gift, here's a list of signs that will help you identify your potential. There are also some tips at the end to help you take this blessing further.
25 Signs You Are Clairsentient
1. You Are Sensitive to Energy
You're most likely greatly affected by the people you come into contact with and situations and environments you find yourself in.
You are sensitive to energy, and therefore if you come into contact with someone that has an imbalanced energy, or you find yourself in a non-peaceful environment, this may affect your mood for the rest of the day.
2. You Can Sense Lies
You're probably very good at knowing when someone is lying or telling the truth. It may be as clear as day to you, but for others they simply can't tell one way or the other.
In this regard, you may find yourself saying ” I told you so” to others months down the line.
3. You Use Language Based on Intuition
Generally speaking, clairsentient people tend to automatically refer to energy, through the use of language such as “I feel,” as opposed to “I think” or “I see”.
Typically, you might say to someone that you have a bad feeling about someone, that you feel their energy isn't quite right.
4. You Are a People Person
You are probably a great people person and someone that friends come to for advice.
You're probably someone who people are drawn to when they have problems or are looking for direction in their lives.
This is because you are a natural spiritual guide, although you may not know it.
5. You Get an Immediate Feel for the Room
When you walk into a room, you can quickly feel out the environment. You know immediately whether people are really enjoying themselves or just being nice to each other and pretending to have a good time.
Similarly, you can immediately feel when people are uncomfortable in a particular situation, and even describe how they are feeling.
6. You Are Temperature Sensitive
You are very sensitive to changes in temperature, particularly when there is no physical explanation as to why.
You may find yourself asking others why it has suddenly turned cold or hot in a room, but others do not notice this in the way that you do.
7. You Operate on a Higher Plane
Quite often you will remark to a friend that you thought a person was acting or feeling a certain way, but your friend did not feel the same thing in the same situation. This is because you are operating on a higher plane of energy and using your intuition.
8. You Sense Negative Energy
You immediately sense negative energy in an environment and feel when something pulling you to take yourself out of that situation. It's as if your spirit guide is telling you that you should leave.
Similarly, you can tell when people have been arguing, or when there is a romantic connection between two people.
9. You're Not Comfortable in Crowds
Crowds may overwhelm you, simply because you are very sensitive to picking up on energy, and having so many energy forces around you means you are unable to cope with the overstimulation.
10. You Are Drawn to Meditative Practices
You enjoy meditation, are easily able to meditate, or in general are drawn to advanced mind enhancing practices like using binaural beats, and subliminal messaging.
11. People Refer to as Sensitive, Warm & Understanding
Your friends probably describe you as a sensitive person, an understanding person, or a warm person. You are the person people go to for a chat about their feelings and problems.
12. Sometimes You Feel the Need to Withdraw
Despite the above, it isn't unusual for clairsentient people to withdraw sometimes and, over time, become more introvert as they feel that they are misunderstood and very different from other people because of the way they view the world.
13. You Have a Good Sense of Smell & Taste
Clairsentient people generally have a very good sense of smell and taste.
Your senses, other than sight, are heightened to tune into physical entities. You probably find yourself saying “What's that smell”, and others saying “, I can't smell anything”.
14. You Sense Spiritual Energy
You have probably experienced that feeling when it feels like there is someone or some kind of energy in the room. I don't want to scare you, but there probably was, though non-clairsentient people wouldn't feel it.
15. You May Have Seen a Ghost/Spirit
You may have seen a ghost, or at least felt spirits or spirit guides around you in the past.
16. You May Have Experienced Lucid Dreaming
You may have experienced episodes of lucid dreaming or astral projection, either voluntarily or through practice. A lucid dream is a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming, and Astral Projection is an out of body experience
17. You May Have “Been Touched”
You may have felt sensations such as your hair or your leg or arm being touched when lying down in bed, or some other feeling of a presence brushing against you. Although no one is there, your body is tuning into non-physical energy in the room.
18. You Often Get Sudden Goose Bumps
Do you get goose bumps or chills for no apparent reason? Out of the blue, it's as if something has startled your energy, but you don't know what.
19. You Get Tingling Sensations
You sometimes get tingling sensations at the top of your head. This is your third eye becoming active, which enables you to perceive the world beyond ordinary sight.
20. You Know When Something is Physically Wrong
You are very in tune with your own body and you can sense when something physical is wrong. For example, you may know when you are going to get ill way before it happens.
21. You Have an Affinity to Animals
Clairsentient people are often able to read the energy of animals, and are very much in tune with other sentient beings that are unable to speak. Many people with a heightened psychic sense keep dogs or cats.
22. You Aren't Scared of Death
While some people find the idea of death very scary, clairsentient people have a tendency to be at peace with such things because they innately understand that there are greater vibrations at play.
You understand the interconnectedness of nature and that everything is intrinsically linked through energy. You also understand that, if tapped into, this energy can be managed and utilized for good.
23. You Think / Dream Things That Play Out in Real Life
You often think or dream of people and then bump into them not long after. You might dream of someone you knew some 20 years ago and then see them a few days later at the store.
24. You Feel the Emotional & Physical Pain of Others
Some clairsentient people can feel the physical and emotional pain of others. You may find yourself crying for others, even people you don't know but have seen their story on the news.
You may even experience physical symptoms of pain when someone close to you is feeling pain or sick.
25. You Are Drawn to Spiritual Practices
You are drawn to spiritual practices such hypnosis, shamanism, Reiki, yoga, etc. You are intrigued by any practice that taps into spiritual energy, the subconscious, or other dimensions
What to Do with Your Clairsentience?
Obviously you needn't have experienced all of these signs of clairsentience, and you may be right at the beginning of your journey and still unsure of where you sit on the spectrum. But undoubtedly, as you better understand this gift, you will begin to identify with more of the signs in this list.
The obvious question now is what do you do next? And the simple answer is that you should embrace this gift.
It really is a positive gift and something that you can share with the world. You can continue to help people by using your intuition and ability to read people, situations, and environments.
You are a sensitive, intuitive soul that has the potential to lead people to make better decisions in life. This can truly change the course of people's lives.
Try These Practices
You should enhance your energy potential through the spiritual endeavors that most interest you. For example:
- Start a daily meditation practice
- Learn more about spirit guides and clairvoyance
- Try some third eye activation techniques
- Try telepathy
- Attempt lucid dreaming or astral projection
At a basic level you can simply start accepting that you have this gift and begin using it more.
For example, when you do walk into a room full of people and pick up on some energy, instead of simply ignoring the feeling and attempting to carry on with the social encounters like everyone else, accept that feeling and allow your mind to explore it further by reading the room.
You will find that if you stay in the present moment and simply become aware of the energy, your psychic sense will take over from your physical sense.
Some say that clairsentience enables you to communicate with spirit animals, angels, guides, and those who have crossed over to the other side. I'm not sure of those things, and indeed after 150 years science still can't find proof of the paranormal (1).
But one thing science does know is that life exists through energy, and all we have to do is connect to that energy. (2).
One thing is for sure; some of us have an intuition that runs deeper than can be explained. And by exploring this gift you will develop a deeper connection with Mother Nature and the energy of the universe.
What's Next?
If you think you're clairsentient, you might be interested in looking deeper into your personality traits, secret talents, hidden strengths, and the life opportunities you're missing.
This can be done through numerology, the universal language of numbers. You can get a free reading here.
Melinda George says
As small child I would hear what sounded like thousands of people carrying on conversations in my room every night. Scared me to death. A couple came into my room one night and I was terrified because I did not know who they were until my grandmother showed me a picture of my great grandparents when they were young and that was them.
bbfreak says
That’s an incredible and chilling experience! It sounds like you might have a strong intuitive or spiritual connection, even from a young age. Many people believe that children are more open to sensing things beyond the physical realm, and what you experienced could have been tied to that sensitivity. The recognition of your great-grandparents in the photo is fascinating—almost like they were watching over you. Whether spiritual, psychological, or something else entirely, it’s a powerful story that shows how much more there might be to our world than meets the eye.
Jamie says
When I was very young and my grandmother would visit she would sleep in the bed with me. I always had panic attacks when she was around. The room would start spinning at night. Sometimes I would wake up and panic. She stopped visiting as she got older and they stop. When I spent summers with her in her house in my own room I wouldn’t get panic attacks. My childhood was very violent as mom did the mental abuse and dad the physical abuse. Since they were both alcoholics they didn’t remember when I brought it up in my 30’s. For the past 10+ years I can see people in my peripheral vision. I can tell when I walk into a room what the mood is. I do tarot cards and it said someone I trusted would betray me. It was my HR person at work. I kept my cool and said nothing. Things fly off the shelves at work. They won’t answer me. Any advice?
Ruthann says
I’d like to know more about my money situation!
suzanne mcdade says
hi i have been looking all my life for something to explain why i have been a deep feeler and thinker i also had a terrible childhood. i think this ability or whatever it is called i have noticed ive had since i was 13 years old. my dad died round about then. a couple of weeks after the funeral i was going to sleep one night and i felt something or rather at the bottom of my bed i felt my legs as if they were being pressed on like as if someone or something was sitting down on my legs. i looked up and nothing was there and i still to this day dont know how or why i said this but i said to the something that was sitting on my legs i said “could you please go im not ready” now i was only 13 at the time i have no idea why i said this and still dont to this day. and inbetween then and now i have had the strangest feelings about certain people that have gave off negative vibes to me. i am a bit apprehensive about telling people about these events or such. also my mum died in 2006. a couple of years ago i was going through a rough time and was one night i was really disstressed and crying about it. i dont know why i did this either but i said into the air ” mum i need you just now could you please give me a sign that im not alone. i need something . this was about 11pm at night. nothing happened till i got up at around 3am or just after it in the morning when and i dont know why i did this either but i got uo from bed put on the tv which i never do at that time but i couldnt believe what i saw when the tv came on it was a song that was played at my mums funeral all those years ago when she died in 2006. i just couldnt believe it was a song that was played at her funeral called from a distance by cliff richard my mum adored him . it was a weird thing to happen again but after i listened to the song i went straight back to bed and had a great sleep then. i have no idea whats going on here i dont know if i believe these types of things could happen but somehow i always believed about these things but never told a soul till just now. i have been looking for something to explain all these things but never found anything. i also have had other weird events similar like knowing when someone is being phoney as in pretentious. dont know how or why i feel these things but would like to. i also feel for people deeply and i dont know anyone else who i can talk to about this.i also play instruments since i was 13 till now and love animals and they seen to be attracted to me too. i would love an explanation to all if you have one. thanks. btw there is a lot more of this that i wont go into just now my post is quite long as it is . thankyou.
Jennifer says
I have a bad past i thought thats how i always knew certain things i thought that was due to physically being abused that that’s how I could tell when someone was bad I got to the point when I got this awful feeling in the stomach when someone had something dark to them I would be depressed for a week or so before someone would die and I would start thinking about them out of the blue after years I really wish I could talk to someone about this my daughter has it to she has been been evaluated just like me theres nothing wrong I wish I had someone just to talk to about this because my own family tells me I’m crazy because I know things and they say well I just have really good intuition sometimes I wake up in the middle of night with the name in my head and then I looked that person up and they’re dead I wish if anybody I mean anybody is going through the same thing I could talk to them it would help me so much I’ve been depressed all week my dog just had puppies and they look completely healthy no one believed me that they’re sick we just found out today that they all have heartworm in their all going to die I hate knowing bad things and not being able to share with anyone because they think I’m crazy
Nina says
Your not alone! Don’t be afraid & embrace it all by excepting your gifts and differences. You will draw the right circle of communication needed for your journey. I have a daughter who is the same like me with het own gifts as well. I wish the best of life & happiness for you both!
Tracey says
I have the ability to read strangers very accurately. To the point where I start to scare them. I have ignored this “gift” for a very long time, but now I am ready to embrace and develop it.
bbfreak says
That’s great Tracey. You really should; you may be able to help others.
Nisha Simoyi says
Hey I’ve just found out recently that I have this gift ever since I was young I always had weird dreams that would end up happening , when my mom died I had a dream where she was struggling to breathe like she was dying and I woke up she was doing the same I was scared I thought maybe I did that to her . This other day I had a dream I was somewhere with hills people stood wearing white going up the hill and there was another side in the same order but they were wearing a different color I was on the side with people wearing white. I wasn’t comfortable on that side something felt wrong so I had to go ask someone on the other side which was divided by a fence if I could come thru there and the person agreed ,the moment I took a step everything started shaking I found myself running so fast from nowhere I was pulled up like I grew wings I couldn’t see what happened to others but everyone was screaming like they were burning … I’m the only who survived til this day I’m so confused by all this that happens to me. At some point I thought I’m going crazy
Tia says
The dream indicates you may seem as if you dont fit in with the ones who are on the right/good side and you wanted to try something else. The moment you left the foundation and surety, things begam to fall apart but the hamd of God will keep you. The enemy will always havr you if you are willing to go. Dont search for something else, when you already have what you need.
Victory says
Hey, I read ur article and it has truly been an inspiration. For the longest time I’ve always been able to see beyond the ordinary. I am able to command things in my favor and connect more spiritually. With this gift comes positive and negative. I have had a touch of the negative and it scared me for example I’ve seen how a relative died, I lived it in my dreams before it actually happened. The good sides, I saw myself winning a competition and my mum hugging me. The same clothes we wore in that dream the exact same thing happened. The whole experience is crazy, confusing yet I feel blessed and special. The tricky part is embracing it wat God has in stock for me. I see myself asking this qst Can I brave what I may find? This gift can it be manipulated, do we know the extent of what we can do? The spirits we see can we make them work in our favor?
I get bugged by these qsts. Sometimes I hear voices some bad some good. They get so loud sometimes yet they are not really saying anything which gets me edgy and overwhelmed. Yes, I am very aware of my surroundings and I am also quick to be ignorant which I think blocks my abilities to go further. I once tried to tap into it all but my strength I’m not sure it cld handle it all so I chickened. People around me don’t understand but my mother is similar like me yet she’s not as deep into all this and doesn’t have the time to entertain it all. I have also noticed that when I speak things listen not just people, nature. A time when the wind was howling loudly and I told it to stop. It actually did. I can sometimes control my dreams. I can snap out of it by will. If I get too deep another part of consciousness calls out to me. My mind has been wired to expect sth bad to happen every two years due to experience yet this year is different. God made me a promise and I can see it in action yet because of how my mind has been wired deep down it’s expecting and bracing itself and gets restless since not even a dream relating to anything bad has happened. I no longer have nightmares after that promise which is good yet weird cos I’m always being tormented in my head. This year is ending and things are looking up.
Still I fear myself, knowing that yes I can command things to work for me I fear myself when I get angry. There was a time in school I got angry at a teacher for punishing me in a way I hurt my knees considering I’m a dancer. So I said, she wld hurt her knee the upper flesh of her knees wld be gone and instead of her bandaging it and coming to school she wld leave it open and come straight to school. And exactly that happened. There have been few instances like this. Adding up to the reasons why I fear myself and this gift. It’s much deeper than we can ever imagine. Don’t get me wrong, I have also used this gift for good. Like telling a broken down car to start up again to help a group of women. Like saying my friend shld win and he did. Sometimes I am also able to predict easily more like I am here yet I can see a few seconds into the future. Sometimes I can hear. There was a time as a kid where I woke up from sleep and I went to my living room my uncle, aunt and mum were sitting and talking. I greeted them and they responded. I felt strange abt it out of the blue I walked backed to my room and I entered back into my body. When I woke up the exact same thing happened, their sitting position, the laugh, the first person to greet me first, the fact mum invited me to eat. Everything. Fun fact: Angels are real as well as angels of death too. The latter are scary and they do not reveal their faces to you. Heaven and hell is real, movies do no justice to demons. If you die when you haven’t accomplished a huge dream of yours you wld be more likely to wait and watch when it’s done if it’s sth bad u may become a bad ghost going around until ur mission is done or God stops you. Crazy, yeah I know.
I’ve been feeling cooped up abt all this now that I’m writing this out here for the world to see and know I feel better and I don’t feel scared abt it anymore-ish I’m suddenly finding it way cooler than I once thought.
I’m open to suggestions on how I can get better and embrace my gift more and use it for good. Judgements should not be passed as this puts me down. Your energy while giving me advice shld be good and welcoming. I don’t want to feel judged for my mistakes or being thought of as a freak. Please. And thank you.
Crystal says
I usually don’t put remarks, but this morning I was searching for meaning and most of the time I will read the first couple of lines and then my feelings kick in. I have every single one of these signs, sometimes much more than I would like. I lost my younger brother in August 2020 & I’m 39.He would have been 35, (me/Virgo)(him/Scorpio). His death hasn’t been closed yet and in the past, him, my husband, my friends have seen these angels that have been in my life and around me and it used to freak them out!! But never me unless someone or something is negative and it warns me and it is always right. Anyways.. So I can see colors around people as soon as I see them, I don’t really talk about it around my kids because it scares my daughter but she does it too!!! And she has seen my brother. I can see people that have passed on but I had to put limits because my kids rooms are off limits. My cousin loves the fact that I can entertain my brother and he will turn down my TVs listening to music only his songs. But I’m struggling because I very much only focus on good energy, their are some energies that keep getting in my house and I’m having trouble figuring out who they are coming from… normally I’m pretty dang good at it and can rid it from here but I think it’s my sons friends, every time these three come around someone gets sick. No matter how many times I bless the house, my brother has come to me in dreams, dropped pictures of my boys in floor, he’s even put 27 pictures in my purse of nothing but the boys and I know he knows now what all I see!! How can reach meditation or clarity to rid the feelings I have or I know are right, when others may think you’re crazy?… Because Spiritually I have it strong I can’t ignore it and your article is the only one that made sense to me and made me feel hopeful about this.
Jennifer says
Did you ever get rid of the negative energies? I’m so intrigued.
Lori says
Wow! This is such a great, insightful article. I can relate to all 25 signs. I have felt out of place in this world since I was a child too. I am so thankful to be a clairsentient. I have been experiencing paranormal activity since 2006. I would hear popping sounds. I would take pictures and capture Spirit Orbs. In 2014, I started to feel Spirits touch my head. I feel a cool sensation along with the tingling sensation you mentioned. I was simply living my life and the tingling sensation started happening. The Spirits touch my head often. A few times they have gently pulled on my clothing. I started taking pictures when I feel them. I have captured their Spirit faces in my hair and around me. Sometimes, I can see them first, before I feel them, but usually I feel them first. The Spirits must know I am comfortable with their presences. I created a website. I share my pictures of them. I mainly capture their faces, but a few times, I have captured their full apparitions. What an amazing experience this is! I have captured many faces. Some of them are my deceased relatives. There are many faces I don’t recognize. I finally understand myself better with being a clairsentient. I have become more introverted as I have gotten older as well. My views are different than the world’s views. I have had a spiritual awakening. I believe my life experiences have shaped my spiritual growth process. I had suffered hardships. My three year old twin son died in 2006. I started experiencing paranormal activity prior to my son’s death. I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor in 2010. I feel as though I have guardian angels watching over me. Their company is very comforting.
bbfreak says
Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I have just been reading about your son and it was almost in tears. I wish you all the best for the future and I’m so clad your clairsentience has given you comfort in such difficult times.
Lori says
Thank you so much for your well wishes. My son, Tanner, does visit me in Spirit. He seemed like an old soul to me. He loved opera at 3 years old. The only word Tanner ever learned was “Mom”. I do shed tears for him on occasion, but my son doesn’t want me to be sad. My clairsentience ability has truly helped me handle the loss of my son and health challenges. Being a clairsentient is truly a gift.
Geirgina says
What I have been reading has given me the answers to why I have had all those gifts from my childhood through to were my life is right now And I have a sense of connection with others like my self in the spiritual and physical world. I would all ways try and push those senses of seeing hearing dreaming or smelling away because it would make me szared.
bbfreak says
That’s great. I’m glad the article was able to help you identify your Clairsentient gift. Use it wisely 🙂