If you practice healing and meditation in some form, then no doubt you have heard of the Chakras and the 7 areas in the body that make up this energy ecosystem.
You may have also come across the Solfeggio Frequencies, an ancient scale that also relates to healing and meditation.
These healing tones are centuries old and said to have been created by a Benedictine Monk by the name of Guido D’Arezzo, and most famously used in chants by Gregorian Monks.
The Solfeggio scale is comprised of 6 main healing frequencies. Listening to music created in one of the frequencies on this scale will evoke a particular healing property.
I have an extensive post on the history of this ancient scale, which can be read here, but in this post I want to document how the Solfeggio frequencies are related to the Chakra system.
So let's look at each system separately, and then how they interlink.
The Solfeggio Frequencies (Tones)
In brief, the healing properties of the ancient Solfeggio scale are as follows:
- 396 Hz: liberate fear, guilt, and trauma
- 417 Hz: facilitate change and the undoing of situations
- 528 Hz: DNA repair, clarity of mind, peace and love
- 639 Hz: the healing of relationships for harmony and peace.
- 741 Hz: problem solving and finding solutions
- 852 Hz: Re-balancing oneself with the universe and wider spiritual order
Solfeggio music tracks are created by tuning the music to a particular frequency on the scale.
This means that the music (instrumentation) within that track, be it the piano, harp, or flute, is tuned to a frequency that is different from the standard tuning of music we hear daily, which is 440 Hz.
The Chakra System
As you may know, there are 7 Chakras (pronounced “chuhk-ruhs”) in the body.
The Chakras are situated along the length of the spine, from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head.
This system emerged from yogic philosophy and the word ‘Chakra' is commonly translated as “circle” or “wheel” – due to the centralized locations in the body where energy channels, known as nadis, converge.
It's for this reason that I refer to the Chakras as the body's energy ecosystem.
When the ecosystem is out of alignment, our emotional and physical being is negatively affected. We can then employ a wide range of healing techniques, from meditation to music and massage and Reiki, to help unblock and realign the system.
If you aren't familiar with the Chakra System, here's a rundown of the names, body locations and associated colors.
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
- Location: Base of spine, in tailbone area
- Color: Red
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
- Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel
- Color: Orange
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
- Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
- Color: Yellow
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
- Location: Center of chest, just above the heart
- Color: Green
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
- Location: Throat
- Color: Light Blue/Turquoise
6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
- Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra)
- Color: Dark Blue/Purple
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- Location: The very top of the head
- Color: Violet/White
Solfeggio Frequencies & Chakras: Corresponding Frequencies
Each frequency on the Solfeggio scale maps to a specific Chakra.
- 396 Hz: Root Chakra
- 417 Hz: Sacral Chakra
- 528 Hz: Solar Plexus
- 639 Hz: Heart Chakra
- 741 Hz: Throat Chakra Healing
- 852 Hz: Third Eye Chakra
- 963 Hz: Crown Chakra
It's worth noting that there may be some overlap. For example, 528 Hz is known as the ‘love frequency' and is therefore often linked to the Heart Chakra too.
Indeed the Solfeggio Frequencies overlap each other in terms of benefits; so listening to one frequency may also offer some of the benefits of another.
You may have noticed that there are 6 Solfeggio Frequencies and 7 Chakras.
This is because there are officially 6 frequencies, but 3 more have been identified since the scale was developed. The three newer frequencies are 174 Hz, 285 Hz, and 963 Hz.
The Yogic tradition settled upon 963 Hz as the frequency to map to the Crown Chakra.
This is because it is the next step up on the scale to 852 Hz, so it makes sense to be at the top of the head (crown), as it is a higher frequency.
I have also seen it written that 935 Hz is closely related to the Crown Chakra, which is pretty close to 963 Hz.
Why is Solfeggio & Chakra Mapping Useful?
It is useful knowledge for healers and therapists and meditation teachers, who might want to know which music to play while working with clients and students.
It is also useful for individuals like me who want to know what frequency to listen to when wishing to stimulate, unblock and generally realign the Chakra system.
BTW: If you'd like to buy Solfeggio music so that you can work on your Chakra system while listening to the corresponding frequencies, check out Mindvibrations.com.

Image Credit: West Coast Yoga in Perth.
In Summary
The universe is built on vibrations. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, and resonating at various frequencies.
This theory, corroborated in the modern day by science, has been the foundation of healing traditions for centuries.
Music is comprised of frequencies, and vibrations are the key to human consciousness. The two are interlinked and can be connected to stimulate positive emotions and subsequent healing; the Solfeggio and Chakra systems form a theory of connection.
I quote from Scientific American:
An interesting phenomenon occurs when different vibrating things/processes come into proximity: they will often start, after a little time, to vibrate together at the same frequency. They “sync up,” sometimes in ways that can seem mysterious (1).
Ayo says
Thank you so much for the information you have shared. It has been very helpful. I have been doing research to decide whether I should purchase chakra specific tuning forks (notes A-G) or if I can buy the Solfeggio frequency tuning forks for my chakra cleansing and crystal cleansing.
Tyrel says
Hi there,
I need to understand how the Solfeggio Frequencies relate to a scale note for each Chakra. Are they related? IE 639 and Note F for The Heart Chakra.
Fillyfresh says
Just commenting to say thank you for the hard work and the sharing of the information.
Jessica Fletcher says
I learned that the Solfeggio frequencies were actually part of the Apocrypha ancient Greek texts, which is different from what is explained here by the author. Why do you propose a discrepancy?
bbfreak says
I have an extensive article on the solfeggio history here: https://www.binauralbeatsfreak.com/spirituality/solfeggio-frequencies-guide Can you send me the source regarding the Apocrypha and I will look into it. Thank you.
Emin Ege says
is 639 or 528 the love frequency i dont understand
bbfreak says
528 Hz is known as the love frequency, but 639 Hz on the ancient solfeggio scale is also connected to the heart because it represents our connection and relationships others. You can see more here: https://www.mindvibrations.com/ancient-solfeggio-scale/
Curry says
Is it nessessary to wear headphones in this case also, or is it just required with binaural beats.
bbfreak says
No headphones are required for listening to Solfeggio music, though I find it a more intimate experience with headphones as the sound is closer to your ears. Headphones are required for the effects of binaural beats.